
“The Great Daylight” in [PANK]

“Harold Griffin’s Dream” in Catamaran Literary Reader (Issue 7)

“Les Boules de Hong Kong” in Chicago Quarterly Review (Volume 19)

“The Dead Letter” in Arroyo Literary Review (Volume 7)

“4th Street, Coffee Shop” in Cimarron Review (Issue 156)

“Unfortunate Man” in J Journal: New Writing on Justice (Volume 7, No. 2)

“From Oklahoma” in Halfway Home III (Hong Kong)

“The Night Sky” and “At the Bleach Factory” in Hobart



Assistant Editor, Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented Lives (McSweeney’s, 2008)

Assistant Editor, Invisible Hands: Voices from the Global Economy (McSweeney’s, 2014)

Assistant Editor, “Denise” in Lavil: Love, Life, and Death in Port-au-Prince (McSweeney’s, 2017) and in Guernica